Smell the Daisies

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

On the rope

Ever tried to walk a tight-rope? Literally, I mean. I'm not talking about the metaphorical balancing act. I decided sometime last fall that I would really like to learn to walk on a tight-rope. Well, slack-line, really, if we want to get specific. My balance is not the most impressive, and I thought it sounded like a good cure for such an ailment. If I can walk across a tiny rope, surely then I would be able to stand up on a big solid floor without tipping! That's my philosophy, anyway.

Well, I've walked on a couple of slightly rope-like things (my roommate's foot board, the railing along the road by my house...) since then. But it wasn't until today that I actually got to try prancing across a real rope! And guess what! So far, I'm terrible!

I passed a friend who was trying it as I walked to the store, so I stopped to try it out myself. We took turns for about thirty minutes or so. He had been trying for a couple hours, and while I was there, he crossed the whole rope, turned around, and took a couple steps back! My most successful attempt landed me on the ground about four feet from where I started. Then, I needed to run so that I could make it to the store.

On the rope, I felt like a little child, learning to walk. First, I could barely stand, holding on to something and shaking like the last leaf on a tree in the fall wind. Slowly, I was able to stand on my own, and then take a step! Five steps is the most I took, but I'm so happy for those!

The moral of the story? If you're starting to feel old, learn something new! You'll feel like a little baby again! =p


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